Current Programs

DEO PLACE Laborers Trainees

Los Angeles County Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) Preparing Los Angeles for County Employment (PLACE)

WERC has launched a career preparation partnership with Los Angeles County Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO). Preparing Los Angeles for County Employment (PLACE) readies county residents for good entry level jobs. PLACE provides opportunities for individuals who want to serve the public.  WERC creates a dynamic learning environment for participants that includes workplace prep workshops, skills and technical education, classroom and on-the-job training, and support in applying for County employment.  We assign each participant a WERC Case Manager to provide robust supportive services identifying challenges and solutions, and support participants’ success. Once successfully completing the training program, participants are assigned to a Retention Coordinator who will continue to work with participants for at least 6 months into their new position.

Below are examples of PLACE training programs.

Assistant Case Manager

LA County’s Housing for Health contracts with community organizations to deliver Intensive Case Management Services (ICMS) to every client.   Services are provided by on site staff such as Intensive Case Managers and Assistant Case Managers (ACMs).  ACMs provide intensive case management services to clients classified as low acuity. These positions serve individuals and families residing in interim and permanent housing by supporting and providing services in the areas of assessment; care planning; coaching and social support; connections to direct services; care coordination and system navigation; education about the health and social service system; outreach and engagement, and capacity building for individuals who were experiencing homelessness and are now mostly housed.


LA County Custodians maintain hospitals, health facilities, and buildings in a clean, and orderly condition by using proper sanitary methods.

Intermediate Clerk

Intermediate Clerks are at the front line to providing exceptional customer service and administrative support to staff and patients at County hospitals.


Public Works Laborers do the manual labor needed to maintain roads, flood control infrastructure, bridges, and other important infrastructure.  These jobs are technically “arduous,” but they are critical to keeping the County functioning – keeping homes and neighborhoods from flooding, keeping roads in good repair; this is the hidden work that makes living in Los Angeles possible for County residents.

Los Angeles County Department of Health Services (DHS) Harm Reduction Workforce Development Program

In collaboration with Los Angeles County Department of Health Services (DHS) WERC trains job seekers, incumbent workers, and supervisors in harm reduction best practices and principles. 

CalMHSA Medi-Cal Peer Support Specialist Certification (80 hours) and Peer Services in Crisis Care Specialization (40 hours)

WERC is an approved CalMHSA training vendor and offers training for Medi-Cal Peer Support Specialist Certification (80 hours) and Peer Services in Crisis Care Specialization (40 hours). Our on-demand courses provide you the opportunity to complete the Peer Support Specialist Core Competency training at your own pace, work one-on-one with our facilitators, and attend monthly live virtual sessions. 

Cultural Transformation Training Programs​

Over the past eight years, WERC has engaged thousands of LA County workforce members in dynamic learning experiences aimed at transforming workplace culture. Training topics include promoting a culture of continuous improvement, creating a work environment that values individual learning and growth, and fostering a more collaborative labor-management dynamic. WERC has provided these dynamic Cultural Transformation Training programs for all three of LA County’s health departments (Department of Health, Department of Mental Health, Department of Public Health):

Labor Management Committee Program

The Labor Management Committee (LMC) Program is an ongoing training effort centering around the partnership between management and labor at DHS. The program consists of series of trainings and related coaching interventions that explore skills and best practices for effective committee work. Over a dozen LMC groups from throughout the department have engaged in the training program, which seeks to transform the way that these groups communicate and work together by completing project-based initiatives in a partnership mode.

PRIDE Project

The PRIDE project is a dynamic self-guided training focused on workplace respect. Initiated by the DHS PRIDE Labor-Management Task Force, the training aims to increase awareness about workplace bullying, the impacts of bullying behaviors, and how to respond appropriately to these behaviors. In addition, the training explores how all workforce members can proactively create a more respectful workplace.

Just Culture Training Program

WERC has developed and delivered ongoing trainings for the Los Angeles County Health Agency’s Just Culture Initiative. The Just Culture initiative seeks to establish a working culture in which safety is an individual and organizational priority, and where errors, near misses, and unintended outcomes are seen as opportunities for improvement. WERC has engaged hundreds of workforce members from throughout the Health Agency in Just Culture training sessions focused on the implementation and sustainment of this cultural transformation.